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Weighted Hula Hoops for Weight Loss

”Never disregard hooping to be a toy. It’s a super cool exercise tool, taking your exercise game to the next level.”

The hoop goes way beyond a toy, especially the groundbreaking weighted hula hoops. But should you jump at the first sight of the sports hoop coming in your direction? Get into an exciting world of hooping tactics and benefits.

Apart from hula hoop weight loss, our specialists detail the exercise length, muscle benefits, preferable weight & size, age group, and how you can tuck into hooping. We have also noted the sports hoop precautions for you.

What is a weighted hula hoop?

The weighted hula hoop is a self-explanatory concept. It taps into weight, unlike the normal hula hoops. The heavier it goes, the more calorie it burns as you swing it around the waist.

These workout tools weigh between 1 and 5 pounds. Your physical features determine the befitting weight of the instrument.

Is hula hoop exercise?

You are obviously questioning yourself about the authenticity of hooping being a workout modicum. You are not alone. The American Council on Exercise commissioned a University of Wisconsin team to determine the truth. 

The team argues, “the facts from our commissioned study indicate that hooping delivers a total-body workout that improves flexibility and balances while strengthening the back, abdominal, arm, and leg muscles.”

Does weighted hooping lose weight?

Yes, weighted hula hoops reduce body weight.

”Hooping burns about 210 calories during a 30-minute workout.” Social media influencers and the current workout trends are swelling in its favor for well-grounded reasons.

The Mayo Clinic also claims that on average, women can burn about 165 calories in 30 minutes of hula hooping to lose weight.

The key is to engage your core and back muscles the entire time. Your lower body also feels the heat. But passive hip-swinging might get you some cardio without driving in the core strength improvement.

Normally, tiring exercise helps lose weight. However, hooping is nothing like exhausting exercise. It bends to the side of fun than a regular workout. Weighted hula hoop weight loss is not a controversial or new claim.

How much hula hoop should you do?

”A 30-minute hula hoop workout has similar fitness perks to other obvious exercises including boot camp, kickboxing, or dance cardio class of the same length.”

“However, no more than 20 minutes per exercise session.”

The secret lies in timing. Short bursts of several hula hooping sessions produce better outcomes. Go a few minutes at a time and a couple of times a day. 

This finding certainly rolls some eyes. Start small and try weighted hula hoops for 10-30 minutes, two-to-three times a week.

The frequency comes down to individual or personal preferences, fitness levels, and goals.

Aerobic activities stem from both normal and weighted hula hoops. The goal is to meet your exercise quota. 

Initially, do not engage yourself in a competition with a pro at the initial stage. That mindset is a recipe for disaster.

Which muscles benefit from it?

Weighted hula hooping trains your core, pelvic, and chest muscles to maintain an upright posture all along.

A circulating hoop requires active and strong hips, hamstrings, and calves. Most interestingly, you can conduct weighted hooping with any part of your body including arms, legs, etc. The biceps, triceps, forearms, and shoulders join the bandwagon as well.

Effective calorie-burn and cardiovascular benefits are triggering the resurgence of weighted hoops, in the midst of the obesity crisis across the Americas.

It demands constant movement of the middle section of your body, pushing you to the edge while you are imbued in playfulness.

What are the advantages of weighted hooping?

You would love the other pros of this fun workout. A 6-week weighted hula hooping brings you several health benefits.

Improved aerobic health contributes to a stronger heart, lungs, blood flow, and brain function.

Reduces redundant fat around your waist and hips.

Abdominal fat is a nightmare for your dream fitness. Burn it out by hooping.

Stimulates and energizes the core muscle mass, to maintain fluid hoop movement around the hips. Therefore, enhances your physical balance.

Slashes bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol.

Drives up your desire for further exercise.

The best hoops add wonderful variations to your workouts, a straightforward path to more activity.

Who can hoop?

Everyone from a 4-year old to an octogenarian can hoop. ”Low impact on the hips and knees make it suitable for ages across the spectrum.” Pleasant aerobic workouts step up the heart rate. As you turn your skills up the scale, weighted hula hooping becomes way more useful. You may mix it up with a bit of walking, dancing, and squatting.

The fun fitness regime could be the game-changer

Fylki understands full well how you get tired of tough workout routines within a few days. Exhausting exercise barely speaks to your sensational yoga imagination. Explore why you must have the hottest hoopla items.

Hula hoops are no more confined to the 90s kids. It’s been reimagining itself with a bang on its comeback. This is the ultimate on-the-go fitness equipment that makes exercise even more enjoyable.

Playing around with the weighted hula hoops brings out the child in you. It’s a surefire way to a heavenly time either alone or in a group. Your fitness program soon runs out of boredom. You no longer hate or even dislike it at all.

How to start weighted hula hooping?

“An average healthy adult needs 150 minutes of aerobic activities” — says the Department of Health and Human Services.

The wise ones evenly spread out the timing into several activities throughout the days of the week. Certainly, weighted hooping measures high in the exercise schedule.

In the beginning, do not raise the bar too high. Going too fast or choosing heavyweight hula hoops could be catastrophic. Also, your questionable fitness might pave the way to injuries. Ease into the game at a progressive rate. 

Take a 1 pounder or unweighted sports hoop, and stop hooping as your breath paces up. Gradually build up your tolerance from scratch.

Select the precise hoop

Sports hoop selection lies at the core of your workout. Pick a right-size product. We give you the rule of thumb. The perfect hoop reaches your navel while resting vertically on the ground.

Light and small hoops exhaust more energy because of rotational challenges. However, the larger and heavier ones give you an easy time in going on for more. 

If you have the chance, check out all the best sports hoops, in terms of their height, weight, and size. Thus you find the most suitable one.

Fylki hula hoops are exclusively designed to match all body sizes. You can also claim free advice from our sports hoops experts.

When do you stop weighted hula hooping?

Lewis Nelson, professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School says that hula hoops weighing below 2 pounds can rarely inflict internal damages. Regardless, several medical conditions could deter you from hooping. No doubt, your physician has a better answer. However, you can use some forethoughts here.

Especially, stop hooping in case you have a history of back pain. Abs and lower back muscles are the usual casualties. Heavier weight demands forceful movement, leading to unintended consequences.

Internal bruises, surgeries should be red lines for you as well.

Hula hoops work wonders for toned abs and torso. But they might inflict bruises and damages. You better set layers of clothes across the waistline in case the pain grows intolerable. However, this is rather a rarity, happening once in a blue moon.

Also, you could develop sporadic pains as you initiate hooping. This is another sign that calls for medical attention.


Weighted hoops are sturdier alternatives to the kid’s toys. This exercise tool is recoursing to the mainstream because of its essentially fun and challenging attributes. You can improve your aerobic health, burn calories, lose fat, and build core strength. An affordable fitness program is close at hand. 

Stay active for mental and physical refreshment. Make sure you’re using an appropriate hoop regarding size and weight. Loose clothing tends to get caught up and tangled in the hoop. So, keep an eye on your exercise attire too.

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